
Chamisa Urged By Residents To Come Clean On The Appointment Of Mayors

5 years agoSun, 04 Nov 2018 12:25:56 GMT
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Chamisa Urged By Residents To Come Clean On The Appointment Of Mayors

Residents of some urban areas have expressed unhappiness in the manner in which mayors are being chosen by the MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa. According to media reports, Chamisa has reversed the election of mayors in a number of towns and cities claiming that the elections did not follow proper party procedures. In Bulawayo, Masvingo and Victoria Fall, there was confusion around the election of mayors and the MDCA leader got involved in the processes according to reports. In Harare, director of the Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA), Mfundo Mlilo called on the MDCA to communicate its processes to the electorate. He said

It is our understanding that the MDC conducted a process in which they interviewed everyone who wanted to be a mayor. In that process, they selected their choice of mayors. After the process, new people started popping up, thereby violating the party protocol… However, we want to make it clear that the MDC did not make it clear to the constituencies as to how they were going to select the mayors.

More: Daily News



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