How People Reacted To Introduction Of "RTGS Dollars"

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor John Mangudya announced the introduction of the RTGS Dollars.
Presenting the 2019 Monetary Policy Statement on Wednesday afternoon, Mangudya said existing RTGS / bond balance will be denominated as RTGS dollars, to enable an exchange rate between RTGS / bond and USD with willing buyer / willing seller process. He sais RTGS dollars will be used by all businesses and government. Below is how Zimbabweans on twitter reacted to the introduction of the RTGS dollar:
RTGS dollars. So Biti was right all along about the local currency@BitiTendai @ProfJNMoyo @Wamagaisa
— Elisha Rambakudzibwa (@ElishaRamba) February 20, 2019
Surely we could have come up with a different name from RTGS dollars #ZimMonetaryPolicy
— larry kwirirayi (@kwirirayi) February 20, 2019
Mangudya: we now have RTGS Dollars
People: so what is the rate to the US DollarMangudya: DZAMUTSANA MUTSANA
— Kuda Kwashe (@Kuda_Chizura) February 20, 2019
The new monetary policy has defined bond notes, coins and banked money as RTGS dollars and from now on, banks will now be able to sell foreign currency to their customers using the prevailing daily exchange rate. Effectively the bond note is nolonger 1:1 with the US dollar.
— Hon. Dr Energy Mutodi (PhD) (@energymutodi) February 20, 2019
Zim dollars masquerading as RTGS dollars
— Shane (@unperson13) February 20, 2019
The first country in the world to call RTGS a currency RTGS Dollars si what is its rate to the Rand or Pula or Renimbi? https://t.co/anP0W6duIA
— Chief Chikos (@Chikos21362227) February 20, 2019
RTGS dollars have become one of the currencies in the currency bucket of the multi-currency system of the economy – Mangudya….. MASHURA CHAIWO #MPS2019 @ReserveBankZIM
— Cliff Chiduku (@ChifChiduku) February 20, 2019
Zim dollar which went to a private school
— Clive (@clivy06) February 20, 2019